Turkey Day is coming up and there are so many things to be thankful for! Let’s keep it up by making healthy food choices at Thanksgiving dinner so your body will be thanking you too! Here are some great substitutions to make so you can still eat all of the foods you love and not have to regret it later!
- Swap out the candied yams for oven-roasted sweet potatoes. This way we skip all the sugar and calories from the brown sugar and syrup and don’t lose all the vitamins and minerals since we aren’t boiling the potatoes.
- Replace regular dinner roles with whole-wheat roles. This simple substitution goes unnoticed and adds a serving of whole grains to your meal.
- Pass up the dark turkey meat and eat white meat instead. White meat has less saturated fat and calories than dark meat.
- Keep your vegetables simple and fresh. Rather than incorporating all your veggies into casseroles like green bean casserole, eat steamed green beans instead.
- Stick to pumpkin pie. No one likes to skip dessert, and don’t have to! Pumpkin pie is packed with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B-12, calcium, and iron.