The rapid growth of online grocery shopping shouldn’t be surprising. It offers a release valve for harried households with schedules that include far more than time allows. In Allentown, PA, order groceries online for curbside pickup from Redner’s Markets to save time, avoid crowded stores, or find specific items.
Benefits of Online Grocery Shopping
Time-Saving Convenience
The primary reason shoppers choose online grocery shopping is to save time. The task can be incredibly time-consuming, requiring walking up and down the aisles and searching for the specific products needed. Shopping online allows you to browse at your convenience, typing in what you need and placing your order quickly. At Redner’s Markets, you can do your shopping, schedule pickup, and enjoy a fast curbside purchase collection when you arrive.
Full Inventory and Simple Comparison
Shopping online allows you to find what you need without a timely hunting expedition. Redner’s Markets’s customer service professionals are happy to source products that you need as well. Reach out to our team to request items we don’t currently stock. We stock a variety of gluten-free, vegan, and keto-friendly products for our shoppers.
Miss the Crowds and the Stress of Grocery Shopping
Does grocery shopping stress you out? From the crowds to the lines, the frustrations of finding products, and comparison shopping while in the store, the experience can quickly elevate your blood pressure, especially during busy times like weekends and holidays. Avoid unnecessary purchases and stress by ordering your groceries online.
Flexible Shopping Options
When you shop online at Redner’s Markets, you have the power. Choose the time that is best for you to pickup your groceries – whether that be on your way home from work, on the way to an event, or another time that is best-suited to your schedule. Curbside pickup is more than a convenience to some. For shoppers with mobility issues, families with young children, shoppers vulnerable to sickness during seasons when flu, COVID-19, stomach viruses, and strep seem to spread like wildfire.
Take Advantage of Savings Opportunities
Many shoppers worry that the in-store deals and sales they depend on will be unavailable to them as online shoppers. They fear paying more than they would if they shop in-store. At Redner’s Markets, shoppers are able to participate in Redner’s Rewards, use coupons, and buy at sale prices. The only deals they may miss are the surprise red tags that we distribute throughout the store for the opportunity to wrack up bonus points.
Our curbside service is free for all of our shoppers, as is participation in Redner’s Rewards. The program rewards loyal shoppers by allowing them to accumulate reward points for every purchase made, and online shoppers can participate in this program. As points accrue, they can be redeemed for savings when shopping for future groceries or when buying fuel at thousands of locations across the country, including Redner’s Markets quick marts and participating fuel centers.
Ready to save time, money, and stress while shopping for the food, beverage, and household foods you need?
Click here to order groceries online from Redner’s Markets in Allentown, PA, and enjoy the high-quality inventory we offer at low prices as well as the ready-to-go deli, bakery, produce, and seafood offerings we have available. Schedule your pickup time, place your order, and we’ll be ready to load your vehicle upon arrival.